Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts is now Closed.

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 2020 Nicotine Dependence Center and National Summit on Smokeless Tobacco Prevention..

All submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability.

Please note: Any abstracts submitted that have been supported by or originated from the tobacco, e-cigarette or smokeless tobacco industry will not be reviewed.

Abstracts should provide a description of the presentation.

Abstract may also include additional information about the project, program, initiative, issue, etc that will be presented.


The deadline for submissions is February 29, 2020. We will notify you of your submission's status no later than March 2020.


Please note that there are an unlimited number of authors for each abstract, but only one presenting author.

Conference Registration:

All accepted presenters MUST register for the conference.

Conference Tracks:

The conference tracks are described below.


Countering Tobacco Marketing

The tobacco industry continues to lure new users with both obvious and subtle marketing strategies. We seek presentations that examine tobacco industry advertising strategies, especially related to smokeless tobacco and emerging products as well as efforts to counteract them, such as youth-driven prevention campaigns; media education strategies; point of sale protections; and graphic warning labels.

Tobacco Prevention Policies

Evidence-based tobacco control policies and product regulations are powerful tools to reduce tobacco use, especially smokeless tobacco and emerging products. We seek presentations on organizational, state and federal policy topics such as taxation; restricting sales of flavored tobacco products; tobacco-free policies, including casinos; coupon restrictions; advocacy campaigns; FDA nicotine restriction; point of sale policies; and internet sales restrictions.

Tobacco Research & Data Trends

The science of smokeless and emerging tobacco products and the drivers of use among various populations continue to accumulate. We seek presentations on new research findings and data trends such as health risks of smokeless tobacco use; nicotine and nitrosamine levels; national surveillance of new products and product switching by consumers; use trends by youth and special populations; and dual/poly-use of nicotine products.


Tobacco’s Next Move: Emerging Products and Tactics

The tobacco industry is in a period of high product innovation, introducing nicotine pouch products and non-combustible products (i.e., nicotine gels, heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes using nicotine salts) as well as market expansion, especially outside of the United States. We seek presentations on health effects of emerging products; consumer awareness of new products and their risks; targeting and marketing of emerging products; and industry efforts across the globe.

Tobacco Addiction and Cessation

For people addicted to tobacco, quitting can be difficult. We seek presentations on the science of addition; research-based cessation strategies; unique addiction/cessation strategies faced by priority populations; role of oral health providers in cessation prompts; new online cessation platforms.

Positioning Smokeless Tobacco at the Forefront of Tobacco Prevention Efforts

While new products like e-cigarettes gain momentum, attention and concern about traditional smokeless products may get eclipsed. We seek presentations on intervention and education strategies for targeted groups like youth, athletes, rural residents, first responders, blue collar workers, homeless people, military members, agriculture workers; innovative partnerships; and program funding strategies.