About the Summit

This year the National Summit on Smokeless Tobacco Prevention will be conducted jointly with Mayo Clinic's Nicotine Dependence Center Annual Conference. The Summit will be available through LIVESTREAM due to COVID-19.

Tobacco use continues to be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. And the epidemic is evolving. Tobacco products, which include smokeless tobacco, vapes and other forms of non-combustible tobacco, have changed the prevention and cessation landscape and reversed downward trends.


Our Theme

Aligning Research, Clinical Practice, and Community Interventions.


Our Goal

To bring together community, research and clinical practice leaders to explore how all three segments can align to prevent and treat tobacco addiction.


Our Objectives

1. Identify up-to-date research on prevalence and relative risks of tobacco, e-cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and together non-combustible tobacco products.

2. Discuss clinical strategies for treating tobacco use disorder within the context of rapidly evolving nicotine delivery products.

3. Describe effective models for community and public health interventions to provide accurate education and address the evolving tobacco epidemic.

4. Focus national attention on smokeless tobacco and emerging products as critical public health issues.

5. Integrate and increase health equity approaches to positively change community norms surrounding smokeless and non-combustible tobacco use in vulnerable populations.

6. Build a community of individuals who can share experiences and advocate for communities free from the toll of tobacco, including smokeless tobacco emerging products.